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Food Positivity Cleanse

As we move into Spring, this two-week cleanse is designed to help you refocus on healthy living for 2021! There’s no list of what not to eat, just a list of healthy habits to incorporate into your day-to-day as well as 14 fantastic new recipes for you to try. The idea is that you finish feeling lighter and brighter, with a whole new set of dishes to build into your rotation. We find that if you focus on the good stuff, the bad stuff naturally falls away!

For those that would like to target fat-loss in their body composition, or those who are interested in reducing elevated biometric markers (such as high LDL or Triglycerides) we are also including an introduction to healthy fasting techniques.

Details and Dates coming soon. Contact to get on the list.

February 26

Beat the Couch - Season 17

July 19

Summer Reset with Jenna